Four Hands Massage

Four Hands Massage

Soothing the senses with a four-handed massage, performed by two experienced masseuses, is a relaxing delight for the body that you deserve.

A two-handed massage is a pleasure... Four-handed - sheer delight

A regular massage is very pleasant. What does a massage performed by two skilled people feel like?

Having two masseuese means a concentrated, double power of touch, a double therapeutic effect, and a multiplied impact on the body, mind and senses. It can be a hot oil massage, a therapeutic massage, an aromatherapy massage, a hot stone massage - or a skillful combination of different therapeutic techniques.

Just to make things clear - we are only talking about classical massage here. We don't provide erotic services at CUD.

Perfect bliss

If you want to REALLY rest, relax, get rid of stress and its' effects - or simply take care of your body and mind - then a four-handed massage is a great way.
What is so unusual about it?

Well, it's performed by two people... But the secret lies not only in the doubling of sensory sensations - it's mostly about the synchronous action of two masseuses, who work in alignment in terms of pace, intensity, force and touch.

The sensations, resulting from the double - often symmetrical - action of a four-handed massage are enhanced by the use of warm, aromatic oils, appropriate lighting and relaxing music. Will you bite?

Bio-regeneration, beauty treatments and massages: cosmetic acupuncture, anti-cellulite massage, chakra cleansing, quantum bioanalysis of the state of the body:

Sopot, Gdańsk: Śródmieście (Downtown) | Stare Miasto (Old Town) | Wrzeszcz | Jelitkowo | Jasień | Żabianka | Zaspa | Oliwa | Aniołki | Piecki Migowo | Gdańsk Główny (Main).