Phantom surgery

Phantom surgery - treatment without a scalpel

Phantom surgery is a safe, modern and painless natural method that supports and restores the body's health. The therapist does not physically interfere with the human body.

The secret to phantom surgery lies in restoring the natural energy field connected to the body. Essentially, the therapist makes alterations to the energy body, which induces positive health manifestations on the physical level.

Phantom surgery

Phantom surgery not only nullifies physical symptoms, but also affects the biofield, which harmonizes the body. This frees the patient from anger, aggression, grievances and other emotional wounds. A natural therapy of the 21st century.

The operation is carried out on a phantom - an energetic model of the affected organ. Restoring the natural state of energy aligns the physical body, which regenerates it to the previous healthy condition.

Phantom surgery also helps eliminate various problems and burdens accumulated over the years, causing discomfort in mental and emotional life.

Effectiveness of phantom surgery

Recovery time depends on the patient's overall condition and the severity and type of the specific ailment. For some patients - growths, tumors or myomas shrink or disappear after the first surgery.

The skeletal system and internal organs can regenerate just as quickly. Often, however, at least several treatments are necessary.

Benefits of phantom therapy

Novel phantom therapy treatments have an additional benefit. They not only remove physical symptoms, but more importantly - get to the root of their causes, which most often lie in our psyche and emotional states.

The most common applications of phantom surgery

  • Cancerous diseases (tumors, growths, myomas),
  • Diseases of the digestive tract,
  • Diseases of the nervous system,
  • Diseases of the osteoarticular system and spine,
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • Hormonal disorders.

Bio-regeneration, beauty treatments and massages: cosmetic acupuncture, anti-cellulite massage, chakra cleansing, quantum bioanalysis of the state of the body:

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